Carbon Cashback Task Force
The Carbon Cashback Task Force supports a policy designed to reduce emissions in an equitable manner by taxing fossil fuels and returning most of the revenue to Hawaii’s residents through a refundable tax credit.
The Carbon Cashback Task Force 2024 priority is the passage of a carbon pricing policy.
What is Carbon Cashback?
A bunch of reasons why we need Carbon Cashback!
Urgent effective action on climate change is needed to maintain the livability of our planet.
Carbon cashback delivers emission reductions consistent with Hawai‘i’s goals.
Carbon cashback strengthens and complements other emission reductions programs.
Carbon cashback is easy to implement because it uses existing administrative mechanisms.
Carbon pricing is efficient—it would pay for itself and not grow the government.
Carbon cashback brings along visitors to be part of the solution.
Carbon Pricing Resources
For additional information about carbon pricing, local and national, visit
Here are some relevant pages: